Saturday, December 18, 2010


I am overwhelmed with how blessed I truly I am this holiday season. Yes, I stressed over money, heck, we had to hire a new termite company (and the initial assessment isn’t cheap) AND pay to have our heater fixed (it died, kicked the bucket) the day after the termite company came and did their thing, which resulted in an extra $1000 spent at Christmas time. That’s a hard pill to swallow at this time of year. Aaron and I have worked hard to have NO credit card debt and dang if we didn’t have to put some of that $1000 on our credit card. I stressed, I worried, I complained…and then I realized that I am lucky to have a credit card. Aaron and I are lucky to have jobs that will provide the money to pay off our debt in a few short months. I am so blessed to have the best family in the world. I reminded myself that it is “just” money. And we can’t take it with us, right?!

I wanted to share a video that pulled at my heartstrings. The link below shares a story of a sweet little boy named Dax Locke (his mom still updates on his caring bridge if you want to follow). The song eloquently explains how his family AND town rallied around him to give him one last Christmas. Watch and see…it will put things into perspective for you…or at least I hope it will. Oh, and get your Kleenex before you watch!!!