Ed takes a tour through Hauntedweb B
2. Tomorrow is a big night at our house. Notre Dame plays Oklahoma. For the first time in our married life, our teams are playing one another. We're not sure if we should dress one child in Notre Dame and the other in Oklahoma, or their tops one team and their bottoms the other team. Just kidding! We are not going to pit our children against one another! The trash talking started last Sunday...and continues! We'll see who comes out on top! BOOMER!!!
3. The girls and I went to watch Aaron coach his high school soccer team this week. It was a gorgeous night. Perfect lighting for me to take the girls' pictures. We then situated ourselves on the bleachers next to an older, larger woman. It wasn't long before Ainsley pointed directly at her and said, "Mommy, you see dat girl? She have a baby in her belly." Leighton was mortified. I was too. I took the chicken way out and grabbed my phone to pretend I was playing on it and ignored the whole situation. Leighton grabbed Ainsley's arm and whispered (loudly), "Ainsley, that's a grandma. She doesn't have a baby in her belly." Technically, I don't think she was a grandma, but Leighton was correct. There was no baby in her belly! I'm still holding out a little hope maybe the woman didn't understand Ainsley. Think I've got a shot? ;)
4. My Dad went to Russia recently and brought back some might fine treasures. In all seriousness, if I lived in Maine, I would probably wear this. But, in Memphis? I'm sure my teacher friends (who pray for snow all winter long) will no longer pray for snow because they will know I'll show up in my new hat.

5. Don't forget to vote! :) This is how we occupied our time in line waiting to vote.

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