I decided to actually write this Friday.
I may be in deep doo-doo (pun intended here) if he ever finds out I did this…but here’s hoping he never will.
For you mother’s out there…have you ever had to change one of “those” diapers? You know, the one that can knock you out as the child walks by? That once you open the diaper you realize you’re in big trouble? The one that you think you might need back-up in case it gets on the changing table, or the carpet, or whatever you’re changing your kiddo on? Okay, so you know JUST what I’m talking about, right?
In this case, we saw the look on her face as she “did” it, smelled the smell, but I thought it could wait just a second as I finished cleaning the kitchen.
Isaac and Michelle were visiting and McPoopy Pants (a.k.a. Ainsley) decided to snuggle up to Isaac.
At first glance she was just loving on her uncle.
But then, her whole demeanor changed.
She wasn’t just snuggling…she looked as though she was dancing…only her booty was ON Isaac’s chest.
We thought it was odd and so we laughed.
As we laughed, she got closer to Isaac and rubbed some more.
This cycle continued several times until I panicked.
I remembered her look and the smell that had just nearly knocked me over.
I ran to get her.
I laid her on the floor to take care of business.
I took her pants off. I didn't even need to open her diaper. There was green seeping out. And when I did open her diaper...I found nothing solid about what had just happened.
Crap (yes, pun intended again), I needed to expose the truth.
Isaac looked down at his shirt and there was a “stain” on it.
Uh, um, “Aaron,” I yelled!
Come smell your brother’s shirt.
Yep, Aaron confirmed it.
Ainsley had just POOPED on her uncle.
Sorry bud!
Welcome to the world of kids.
Here’s his undershirt to prove it.

I have to admit we laughed for days…yeah, we are *that* immature and think potty humor is funny. My sweet Ainsley, you thought it was hilarious too. I’m afraid, though, someday when you have your first boyfriend, or get married, payback may be sweet revenge for Uncle Isaac.