We enjoyed more than one snow day.
And February's snow day brought snow cream for the first time. What fun!

Leighton's Valentine for her class.

I can't believe how young Leighton looks in this picture. What a baby face she still has!
Breathing treatments were not what we had planned but sweet Ainsley sure did need them.

We got ready for a trip with the family to Disney!

And we loved every second of our Disney vacation!!!

Even the crazy brothers had fun!

And since Disney was where we had just returned from when Leighton turned 5...we decided a princess party with her closest friends was best.

This is how Ainsley chooses to eat her cupcakes...
And the aftermath...but she sure was happy!!!
We started with a fun night with our gymnastics buddies.
Then Easter was upon us...

We had a fun visit with cousins.
And found mermaid outfits (cause Ariel is a favorite at our house) that fishy faces just seemed to fit perfectly with.
We had fun at My Big Backyard with the Harrell kiddos.
And went on a hiking adventure!
The weather began to warm up and we had lots of fun outside!

And Leighton "graduated" from preschool. She received the "kind" award. I was SO very proud of her!!!
Ainsley discovered the love of puppy kisses
And Leighton discovered her love of photography, like me!
At the end of the month we shared a day at the lake with Leighton's bestie, Lauryn.
And cousin Elliot came for a visit before her long move to Japan.

Which led to Leighton's first sleep-over...it was a success!!!
The first day of June this precious baby turned 2!!! We had a party at the lake.

We got to celebrate with Uncle Josh and his family. Couldn't have been more perfect!
We enjoyed time with friends at the sprinkler park.
And went swimming ALL.THE.TIME.!

Aaron and I celebrated 9 years of marriage.
The girls and I enjoyed the carousel at the mall and explored the stores too!
And we enjoyed popsicles and tv time, too!

We loved on Rusty while he was in his final few weeks.
And we visited the monkeys often...see a resemblance?! ;)
We had a FUN 4th of July with our extended family at the lake.

My sweet Leighton lost her first tooth (the dentist really pulled it).
We mailed our first package to Japan...the girls couldn't wait to send it all the way across the world!
And we seized the day and ran in the rain with leotards on (disclaimer...I didn't have a leotard on but I did run around)! :)

This month was an adjustment to kindergarten but my Leighton did it with shining colors!!!

Leighton and her kindergarten teacher, Ms. Ebbers!

We visited Mamaw on our way to OKC for a wedding.

We reflected at the OKC bombing site.

And we had a blast with family at Shauna and Danny's wedding.

This little one had her first class at gymnastics.
We were incredibly blessed to go to Disney for another trip! It was girls trip and boy was it fun!!!
Leighton wanted her hair to stay up so my mom wrapped it with toilet paper...she wasn't impressed! Ha!

And the girls went trick or treating in their princess attire.

We expressed how thankful we were...

Ainsley made the transition to a big girl bed!

We loved an early snow fall!!!

Leighton had her first Christmas program.

Isaac and Michelle found out they are welcoming Christian Michael.

And my girls couldn't have been any more excited to get the American Girl dolls they had been dreaming about for months!

These girls highlight every day of every year for me.

Here's to a blessed 2012...