Our Disney trip was one of the most magical things I've witnessed. As a mom, I couldn't be happier. Both of my sweet girls were awed by the happiest place on Earth.
I know Ainsley won't remember this trip, but while we were there, her eyes have never been brighter. She couldn't wait for the bus to come get us. As we waited at each stop she would yell over and over, "Ainsley's ready," which came out as "Ai-dey rea-ye." She blew kisses to characters as long as they stood at a distance. And she said "hi everybody" (hi e-ye-bo-ye) walking through every park. She wasn't a fan if the characters came too close but then she wanted them back as soon as they were gone.
For Leighton, this was her second trip but first one that she understood, that she could ride all of the rides, and boy did her face light up at every new opportunity. Every character she met she was ecstatic. Every princess she talked to she loved. Every ride she rode became real. She loved talking to the princesses. Ariel is her all-time favorite and did the best job playing the part. Their conversation went a little like this:
Ariel: "I see it's your birthday (Leighton had on a birthday shirt)."
Leighton: I'm going to be 5.
Ariel: "You are a perfect starfish!" (Leighton smiling the biggest smile)
Leighton: I love your hair. It is so pretty."
Ariel: Thank you! I comb it every day with my dingle hopper. (Leighton giggling)
Leighton; "Where is prince Eric?"
Ariel: "He is taking Max the dog for a walk but I will tell him you said hello. (Leighton is awe-struck)
Leighton loved the roller coasters...thunder mountain and splash mountain were her favorites. Soarin' was also a big hit. We rode it twice and she remembered every detail the second time. This trip was my parents first trip and they are already asking when we will go again. We love Disney! Until next time (warning....there is total picture overload coming!)...
On the plane....

Our first day...at Animal Kingdom

The Safari Ride

Lion King show

My sweeties

Being silly with Goofy

Chef Mickey

My little Leighton who still loves to wear her ears

Leighton loved all of the characters!

Posing with Goofy

The castle

Watching Mickey in 3-D

Ainsley got to dance with this cast member during the "Move It" "Shake It" "Celebrate It" parade!

I love this shot of Ainsley...she loved throwing kisses to the characters...from afar!!!! :)

On the boat to Magic Kingdom

My sweet Ainsley

With Mem and Pop Pop before the Ariel show

Yum...this girl loves to eat!

Waiting for Fantasmic


50's Prime Time with Mem

A little green beer for my Irish hubby on St. Patty's Day

50's Prime Time...

Bippidy Boppidy Boutique!

Should we leave it like this?!

Make-up time

The final product...my perfect birthday princess

I know Ainsley won't remember this trip, but while we were there, her eyes have never been brighter. She couldn't wait for the bus to come get us. As we waited at each stop she would yell over and over, "Ainsley's ready," which came out as "Ai-dey rea-ye." She blew kisses to characters as long as they stood at a distance. And she said "hi everybody" (hi e-ye-bo-ye) walking through every park. She wasn't a fan if the characters came too close but then she wanted them back as soon as they were gone.
For Leighton, this was her second trip but first one that she understood, that she could ride all of the rides, and boy did her face light up at every new opportunity. Every character she met she was ecstatic. Every princess she talked to she loved. Every ride she rode became real. She loved talking to the princesses. Ariel is her all-time favorite and did the best job playing the part. Their conversation went a little like this:
Ariel: "I see it's your birthday (Leighton had on a birthday shirt)."
Leighton: I'm going to be 5.
Ariel: "You are a perfect starfish!" (Leighton smiling the biggest smile)
Leighton: I love your hair. It is so pretty."
Ariel: Thank you! I comb it every day with my dingle hopper. (Leighton giggling)
Leighton; "Where is prince Eric?"
Ariel: "He is taking Max the dog for a walk but I will tell him you said hello. (Leighton is awe-struck)
Leighton loved the roller coasters...thunder mountain and splash mountain were her favorites. Soarin' was also a big hit. We rode it twice and she remembered every detail the second time. This trip was my parents first trip and they are already asking when we will go again. We love Disney! Until next time (warning....there is total picture overload coming!)...
On the plane....
Our first day...at Animal Kingdom
The Safari Ride
Lion King show
My sweeties
Being silly with Goofy
Chef Mickey
My little Leighton who still loves to wear her ears
Leighton loved all of the characters!
Posing with Goofy
The castle
Watching Mickey in 3-D
Ainsley got to dance with this cast member during the "Move It" "Shake It" "Celebrate It" parade!
I love this shot of Ainsley...she loved throwing kisses to the characters...from afar!!!! :)
On the boat to Magic Kingdom
My sweet Ainsley
With Mem and Pop Pop before the Ariel show
Yum...this girl loves to eat!
Waiting for Fantasmic
50's Prime Time with Mem
A little green beer for my Irish hubby on St. Patty's Day
50's Prime Time...
Bippidy Boppidy Boutique!
Should we leave it like this?!
Make-up time
The final product...my perfect birthday princess
Both of the girls LOVED swimming with Pop Pop at the hotel

Yay! That was fun...let's jump again!

The slide was Leighton's favorite thing

Pop showing Ainsley where Leighton was going to come down the slide.

Such fun!

Always time for a snack!

Bubble fun while everyone else road Soarin'

Playing around...


Snow White

Sleeping Beauty

Ainsley LOVED the princesses (up close) and couldn't get enough of Belle. She ran up to her over and over again to give her hugs. She was so sweet and let her every time.

Our picture before enjoying breakfast with the princesses.

The birthday girl with Belle

Walking with Pop

Looking at the castle and waiting to meet Pooh and the gang




Piglet was awesome and gradually snuck close to Ainsley for a photo op!


Walking to Thunder Mountain for another ride!

Anastasia...Leighton was petrified to meet the step-sisters...but they were awesome! This is Pop Pop dancing away!

Drizella and Ainsley
Yay! That was fun...let's jump again!
The slide was Leighton's favorite thing
Pop showing Ainsley where Leighton was going to come down the slide.
Such fun!
Always time for a snack!
Bubble fun while everyone else road Soarin'
Playing around...
Snow White
Sleeping Beauty
Ainsley LOVED the princesses (up close) and couldn't get enough of Belle. She ran up to her over and over again to give her hugs. She was so sweet and let her every time.
Our picture before enjoying breakfast with the princesses.
The birthday girl with Belle
Walking with Pop
Looking at the castle and waiting to meet Pooh and the gang
Piglet was awesome and gradually snuck close to Ainsley for a photo op!
Walking to Thunder Mountain for another ride!
Anastasia...Leighton was petrified to meet the step-sisters...but they were awesome! This is Pop Pop dancing away!
Drizella and Ainsley
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