Leighton is an amazing little girl. She is independent. She wants to do things on her own and doesn't struggle at much. However, she is so gracious when she does accept help from others. I love that about her.
Leighton wants to please. She wants to do the right thing. She is a rule-follower. And finds it horrible when I tell her about children who purposefully choose to do the wrong thing. I love that she can't fathom how anyone would choose to do something they know is not appropriate.
Leighton is clumsy. She always has been. But, she is a great gymnast.
Leighton loves to sleep. She loves to cuddle even more.
She loves being a big sister and she is an amazing one.
She loves anything princesses at this point in her life. She adores Ariel.
Leighton counts her days according to where she'll be. Monday/Wednesday/Friday are "Rita Days" because she goes to the sitter, Tuesday/Thursday are "school days", Saturday is a "stay home day" with "Mem, Mommy, and Ainsley", and Sunday is "church day." It just makes sense to her. And each week she can't wait for "stay home days."
She loves to play jokes on people. She loves to hide and scare you.
Leighton loves to be outside. She loves flowers but doesn't want to get dirty to plant them. She is a city girl who loves to shop! :)
Leighton Caroline,
You are a blessing. You bring joy to my life each and every day. I am honored to call you daughter. I can't wait to see you grow and see what you will do with your life but I know you have big things in store. You make me want to be a better person, wife, and mother. Thank you for being you.
I love you!
Leighton 6 days old

Leighton 5 years old

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