2. Leighton finished swim lessons this week and rocked the pool again this summer! I am so impressed with her swimming. We have been blessed with an amazing swim instructor the past two summers. Thank you Miss Chelsea for loving my sweet Leighton. Here's a little video of Leighton doing the back stroke for the first time.
3. Ainsley prays for us every night. It is something she loves to do and she has begun thinking of what to say all on her own. Here she is: Dear Jesus, Thank you for chicken (on her plate), um, thank you dinner, thank you mommy, sissy, daddy. Amen.
4. Leighton has been working hard on her balk walk over...she finally did it at home!
5. Leighton's tummy is back to hurting. I'm praying it's just a bunch of bad luck. Both my family and Aaron's family has a history of colon issues. I see a ped.'s visit in our near future so I will know how to handle this!