One of my friends blogged about the video "Dear-16-year-old-me," which prompted me to actually write (and PUBLISH) this post. If you haven't taken a few minute to watch the video, please do.
I never thought at the age of 27 I would hear the words, "you have cancer." I never thought I would have to undergo reconstructive surgery to look "normal" after the cancer was removed. I never thought it would be me. But it still is. My daily routine includes applying sunblock, checking my body for new spots, or spots that have changed. It's become second nature to me. It's just my life. I never thought I would have to go for a scan every 6 months; however, 3 1/2 years later, I can say that I am grateful for each scan I have. I've had two other cancerous spots removed because I go.
I hate going. I hate every biopsy I have to have. But, I know that each biopsy I have, each cancerous and pre-cancerous spots that have been removed have saved my life. I know that with every application of sunscreen in the morning, I save myself a sunburn and more cancer. I know my children get annoyed as we apply and re-apply sunscreen when we're outside. But, I can also say that in 5 years Leighton has never had a sunburn. Her fair complexion and freckles leave her vulnerable for skin cancer but I made a promise to myself that I will do everything in my power to ensure she never harms her skin, which increases her risk even more for cancer.
As the summer passes, I see more and more posts on FB that people are loving time in the sun, and unfortunately along with those posts come the words that they have gotten a sunburn as well. Did you know that a person's risk for melanoma doubles if he or she has had five or more sunburns? And, did you know that a recent study cited that regular use of tanning beds triples or even quadruples the risk of developing melanoma? (Here's where my apology above is appropriate; however, I feel too passionate about this not to share the facts.)
Don't stop living life. Take in the beauty of the outside. Swim, go to the sprinkler park, run around the zoo for the day, sit at the beach. Enjoy every second....cherish every moment. Just do it wisely!
Remember to protect your skin. It could save your life and/or that of your children. As the Australian saying goes...Slip, Slap, Slop.
Slip on a T-Shirt,
Slop on the sunscreen, and
Slap on a hat!

I watched that video a couple of months ago when you posted it. It was quite moving. I do think of you everytime I put on my spf 70 and reapply, and knowing you had to go through this made me want to start putting it on more! I also no longer use tanning beds! Great post Lindsay!
ReplyDeleteJenny Boivin
As always Lindsay, you have spoken the truth and those of us who have had even a basil cell carsonoma appreciate it. Keep sharing so new people know this information each time.
ReplyDeleteThanks for posting! I, also, remember watching the video and was impacted by it. I too have the "bad skin" and have definitely had my share of really bad burns over the years. And the ridiculous thing is that I still long for a summer "tan". Thanks for putting it all into perspective!