Tuesday, August 9, 2011

And so it begins...

Leighton's school days are here. It was exciting but also nerve wracking all in one, for me. For Leighton, it was pure excitement. She woke up without a fuss, talked non-stop the entire time she got dressed, and couldn't stop smiling as we drove to school. She was a natural. Me, not so much. Tears kept welling up in my eyes. And she just giggled that I was crying over her going to kindergarten. "Momma, don't cry. This is exciting," she said to me.

Once she was in her room, supplies put away, and sitting at her table, with kisses galore (yep, I was *that* mom), I walked away with an array of feelings. Feelings of happiness that my daughter was going to make new friends, feelings of sadness that my "baby" has entered her school years and she isn't my "baby" so much anymore, feelings of accomplishment that my first born has made it to this milestone. What a day!

She came almost skipping down the hall to meet me this afternoon. She was beaming. "It was SO much fun," she exclaimed! My heart was full knowing she loved her first day of school. It's one I will certainly never forget.

And this is how our ride home ended...yep, utterly exhausted!

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