2. Leighton has been waiting since the day Ainsley was born to sleep in the same room. This week, we allowed Leighton to sleep in the big girl bed in Ainsley's room since Ainsley is still in her crib. They did great...until 5am when we heard them talking to each other. I giggled just listening to them. When they got up, the first thing Ainsley said was, "I cry Mommy. Sissy say night time." And, Leighton confirmed that was exactly what she told her sister at 5 in the morning! Here they are having a little cuddle time before it was actually bedtime.

3. I keep reminding myself this is why I work...only 65 days until we are back at the happiest place on Earth!

4. Ainsley wants to do everything Leighton does. It truly is precious. And, although she isn't in gymnastics (yet), she wears her leo every time we go. Can't you tell how proud she is?! :)

5. The girls play together better and better each day. Here they are playing "house." I'm not sure how they thought this was comfortable for one second! But, they were happy, so that's what counts!!
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