2. Ainsley is certainly still my little spit fire. She got upset with Leighton on the way home this week, looked at Leighton and stated emphatically, "Sissy...I'm gonna poop on you when we get home." Seriously...what 2 year old knows to say that?! Oye! She has no fear...and is willing to try anything!

3. I'm in the Christmas mood already. I'm finished shopping for the girls' gifts, have my Christmas cards ordered and in envelopes (I may or may not have accidentally ordered DOUBLE the amount I needed. In any event...count on a card from us this year!), and I have a Christmas photo I'm dying to try next week when I have a few days off!
4. Leighton won third place in a coloring contest for kindergarten, first, and second graders. They were in the middle of announcing the winners on the school intercom as I was packing up for the day. I honestly wasn't paying any attention but was so excited when I heard my baby's name! :) So proud of all she's learning this year!
5. I'm feeling so incredibly blessed this holiday season. I went in for my 6 month scan and had a biopsy, which came back CLEAR! My family, my health, my home, my job...I could go on and on but you get the drift. My cup overfloweth!

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