For those who know me well, you know my personality is far from that of Ainsley. But, she is exactly like my brother. I guess I should have known when she was born on his birthday that she would take after him! She also has adopted the Fields really loud voice too. Everywhere we go people know we're coming because Ainsley talks so loudly.
1. One night as our family was headed into Bahama Breeze (one of our favorite restaurants), Ainsley pointed to herself and said, "I'm Ariel." She pointed to me and said, "You're Prince Erik." big deal. Until a rather large and not-so-attractive woman stepped in behind us. Ainsley pointed directly at her and said LOUDLY, "And there's Ursula!" I wanted to hide under a rock!
2. Crock-pot's what's for dinner. Our family sat down. Ainsley was the last one to the table and she sat down...looked at her plate and said..."poop." Aaron popped up, rushed her into the bathroom, all the while she was whining. She finally yelled, in her Fields "inside" voice, "I not have to poop! My food is poop!" She didn't eat that night...I can't say I blame her. I wouldn't eat anything like looks like poop either! *For the didn't taste like poop*
3. In my last blog post I alluded to the fact Ainsley insists that she wears panties and her daddy wears underwear. But, the truth of the matter is, she emphatically believes that all girls wear panties and all boys wear underwear. It comes up in conversation often. One afternoon while eating at a local taco shop (geesh...have y'all noticed many of these stories revolve around food? Either we eat all the time or Ainsley is full of herself during meals.) she announced that I wear panties, Leighton wears panties, Aaron wears underwear, and then she turned to the family behind our booth, pointed to man sitting across from her, and stated rather loudly..."and that daddy wears underwear too." Thankfully the family thought it was funny cause her daddy was mortified.