Ainsley does everything her sister does. Many times she gets herself in trouble because she tries to be a "big girl" and just isn't big enough, yet. She wants to sit like a big girl at the table but can't reach without a booster. She wants to dress herself but usually stands up with two legs in one hole of her panties (and don't call them underwear...she wears panties...only her daddy wears underwear). She wants to drink from a big girl cup but then spills everywhere because she can't control it yet. And on and on and on.
When Leighton gets a new better bet Ainsley needs something very similar. They love to dress alike. At gymnastics on Tuesday, Leighton's team was trying on leotards. We were in the lobby, which happened to be packed. Each of the girls' moms decided in order to get an accurate size we would pull the leo's on top of what our girls already had on. I had tried on one size and Leighton's coach asked me to try the smaller size, so I was in the middle of getting another leo when the coach said..."Umm, Lindsay...look at Ainsley." I turned around and there stood my little 2 year old...naked. She had stripped all of her clothes off, in the middle of the lobby, with coaches, parents, gymnasts, etc., all standing around. When I looked at her she threw her arms out and said..."I want a "yeo" (leo in Ainsley language) too!" She won...she got that leo! Whatever it took to get the girl clothed!!!!

Love a good Ainsley story! She is such a cutie...just like her big sis.
ReplyDeleteLindsay,, your Ainsley stories crack me up! I can see you being so mortified...she acts just like her Uncle Josh!!! hit the nail on the head! She is Josh made over!!! Can you imagine what I have in store with her?! :) Hope you're feeling well!!