Leighton is my rule follower. She's outgoing but she's also quiet, like me. She wouldn't draw attention to herself for fear it was the "wrong thing to do." My Ainsley, on the other hand, is the total opposite. She is the center of attention. She craves the attention so much I really believe she likes negative attention as much as positive. She's a charmer, she's precious, she's never met a stranger....she has quite a little personality all packaged up in that little tiny body. She comes by it naturally. My father and brother are the same way. I think today, in their adulthood they still struggle with putting a filter on their mouths.
Ainsley did not disappoint today. Her mouth, lacking it's filter, really "took the cake" on this one. I picked her up from Sunday School...in her precious little sweater and skirt. She ran to me like she hadn't seen me in days. And then the nursery worker came up to me and said..."I just love her!" This isn't atypical because she's so full of life. I said, "thank you," assuming that was the end of our conversation. Only it wasn't. The nursery worker continued, "Ainsley told me this morning that I had big boobs just like her mommy." Me...speechless!!!!

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