1. I'm sitting here trying to figure out how I can put into words what this family means to me (Aaron, Leighton, and Ainsley). The friendship we have with the Hawthorne family has become such a blessing to us. We love being with them, their honesty, their openness...honestly, just everything about them. Our families are so similar (maybe that's why we get along so well). Cory is pretty laid back like Aaron. Colleen and I are type-A, talkers! :) We come by it naturally, I guess....we are both SLP's. And to top it off, Delaney and Leighton have similar personalities as do Cami and Ainsley. The Hawthorne crew made the trip from St. Louis last weekend and we all had so much fun! We love you Hawthorne family!!
The girls all jumping...
Cory and Cami on the boat.
Ainsley and Aaron
Love this reflection of the guys and a sea lion in the water too!
Ainsley loved this little monkey
Too cute!
This is the best one of the 4 girls!!! Ha!
Unless you count the back of their heads! ;)
My sweet Leighty
Delaney, Leighton and Cami

This picture cracks me up...check out how thrilled Ainsley was for this bird to fly down and meet her!

2. As Ainsley and I drove to get Leighton at school this week, she couldn't stop asking "Sissy, where are you?" (said in a sing song voice as if she were playing hide and seek and Leighton was with us). It is a privilege to be able to witness this sweet friendship. It is the most precious thing I've ever been a part of!

3. Aaron's 5k was a huge success! Way to go Aaron! It was freezing (yep, 50 seems like freezing to me) that day and windy...but we managed to have some fun despite the cold! :)

4. Aaron claims he can dance. I beg to differ. I'll let you decide (and yes, I'll have lots to un-do when the girls get older and I tell them they shouldn't dance like daddy)!
5. It's Good Friday and Earth Day. So, we took the day as a family and went on a nature hike. Here are some things we spotted on our hike.

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