2. Speaking of gymnastics...Leighton's coach wants to move her up to the next class (early). This means it is highly recommended that she attend class twice a week to prepare for competition...yadda, yadda, yadda. While I think Leighton has a talent in gymnastics (really, this girl has muscles in places I've always dreamed of having muscles in. She can do a 'bridge' (that's a back bend for those who may not be well versed in gymnastics) and with only a tiny bit of support can kick herself over. That's impressive for a 4 year old.) I also don't want to push competitive sports. Aaron and I would like her to be well versed and try everything. Come on, let's get real here...Aaron is really the athlete, not moi. Thespian, (drama queen if you really want to push it..ha) yes, but athlete I am not so his vote rules in this category. I digress. We are still up in the air about moving her up. But we do know this: Leighton loves gymnastics. She has done it now for two and half years and she loves it today like the day she started. We'll keep at it...one night (maybe two nights) a week as long as she continues to love it!

3. Ainsley, my sweet Ainsley. At 19 months she has about a 75 word vocabulary. She combines 2 and 3 words. Most of her phrases involve the word no. She has become very opinionated. She has gotten to be an even pickier eater. She loves yogurt and eats it almost every morning. That and chips are her "go to" food. Nice huh?
She loves babies.

She loves to read.
She loves shoes.
And she adores her big sister.

4. Ainsley wants to do everything Leighton does. I knew it would happen eventually but I am really surprised it has happened before she is even 2. I know I have said this before but I will say it again...I LOVE watching my girls form a relationship and know they will have a friend for life. It is the sweetest thing I've ever witnessed.
5. Week 4 of 52 in 2011. Working on a little macro photography (without a macro lens). Leighton was so nice to let me get so close while watching her shows. Thanks baby girl!