2. On New Year's Leighton got her first goose egg. I was panicked and my reaction must have been obvious because Isaac was trying to calm me down and quickly convince me to NOT make faces of horror in front of Leighton and scare her even more. She had been practicing her gymnastics...doing handstands, jumping, and learning to do flips. When Jim entered the room, Leighton got so excited she ran over to him and jumped up to give him a hug. At the same time she jumped, Jim knelt down and she literally jumped over his shoulder and her head was the first thing to meet the hard wood floor. Here is the evidence...one colorful head and two black eyes.
3. Ainsley seems to change constantly and learn daily...almost overnight, it seems. She has been telling us "no" for a while but suddenly her little "no" has become emphatic, and very drawn out, not to mention with a very nasal voice quality that just makes me laugh when I hear it.
4. Aaron is all consumed with Soup Sunday this time of year. For those in Memphis, please come on February 27th! It is a wonderful event that benefits Youth Villages and also features many (hoping for 60 this year) local restaurants in the area which includes their breads, soups, desserts, etc. Tickets are on sale on-line already! Please come!

5. I have challenged myself to take ONE picture a week this year. I contemplated doing a picture a day but that seemed like more of a commitment than I could make right now. So, 52 it is and here is week one.
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