The week before it snowed Leighton taught Ainsley how to make a snow angel in the house. In hindsight, it's a good thing she did! ;)
Because she was a pro when she had to do the real thing!
Leighton was first in the snow to show her one more time though!!
And this is the snowman, ahem, I mean "snow woman" that Aaron and the girls built. There is no denying Aaron is surrounded by girls now...he even adds purses to his snowmen!!
2. I just read on a friend's blog that it is "National Delurking Day." So, come out, come out, wherever you are!!! :) Leave me a comment and let me know who reads this blog.

3. I certainly am raising at least one southern belle. Tonight after dinner Leighton announced that she was sick of the snow (there are only patches left). Aaron and I cracked up laughing. She would never make it through a winter in Maine. But, truth be told, I don't know if Aaron I could do it again either!
4. My girls love Starbucks. It's our little treat on the weekends. Sure, we are Sonic addicts, we stop for happy hour at least once a week. But, Starbucks is also on top of the list. I just wish it were a tad cheaper.

5. Here is my picture of the week...2 of 52 in 2011.

I love the inside snow angel picture! Too cute.