2. June 1st...what a special day! Ainsley's birthday, Josh's birthday, and Jim and Becky's anniversary. We were all together to celebrate the three occasions this year and as I sat in the boat watching my girls tube with Josh, I couldn't help but take in the moment. I was surrounded by all of the people that mean the very most to me...on such a special day. The day can be summed up in one word...perfection!

3. Leighton had her first sleepover. 7 months separates Elliot and Leighton...and they are precious together!!! Ainsley was so excited Elliot was here when she woke up!

4. My parents' house will be active for the next three years. With 4 dogs to keep my mom company while my dad travels, she won't ever be lonely!
5. This week has been very bitter sweet for me. I have loved watching the girls together but I can't help but feel sad that they won't see one another again for 3 years. I wish my brother and his family very safe travels, and lots of fun adventures as they get to travel this world for this once-in-a-lifetime opportunity! I love you guys!!!!

the oldest in the first pic is so hot n sexy, i love em with freckles, i want my baby in her tummy but lots of practise first, being in her tightpussy would be heaven